Minggu, 06 Juli 2008


Ambiguous Pete Wentz is on the cover of August 2008 Out Magazine. I know Pete through friends, I've read about Pete and his band Fall Out Boy, but I really feel like this article in particular shows a more vulnerable side of this sensitive music mogul. Pete Wentz shares with Out about being teased in school and how the name calling and rumors never seems to stop into adult hood and now marriage.

Pete on being "Out"-

“There’s part of me that’s like, Fuck you, I do what I want.”

“Homophobia is the last acceptable hatred.”

"“Our culture bombards us with this idea that you’re not that, and if you are that, there’s something wrong with you, and then we’re going to call you that, and then it’s an insult.”

For more on of this very open interview click here

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